André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

Small Changes That Have A Huge Impact on Your Relationship

Relationships take work – and sometimes people are afraid to make huge changes to improve their love life. Changes, however, don’t need to be big to make a significant difference. Here are some small changes that have a huge impact on your relationship.

Be Punctual

Punctuality may not seem like a big thing – but it is. Being punctual, is a relatively small thing, but it shows how much you value another person’s time. Love is something that is built on respect and mutual trust.  If you can’t keep a simple promise like showing up when you said you would, it sows the seeds for distrust in any relationship. By being punctual it not only shows that you can be counted on to keep your word, but it also shows that you care – about your relationship, your partner, and his/her precious time.


Smiling may not seem like much, but by just smiling at your partner every so often, you are showing them that you genuinely love them. Smiles are understood as an act of gratitude. They show your significant other you care and that you appreciate them.  Smiling also demonstrates that you are happy. So, smile more often – it may transform your relationship!

Say “I Love You”

Three little words which can make a huge difference. Saying “I love you” may not seem like much, but it’s just one little way of showing that you do, in fact, love them. Outwardly declaring your love is a great way to express your feelings and even show some vulnerability. So, next time you are thinking of your partner, give them a call and let them know.

Have Mutual Goals

Having shared goals is a great way to unite you and your partner together. They bring you together and give you a shared purpose. No matter the size of your goals – be they big or small – you should set them and aspire to reach them. Even if it’s something as small as having a date night – work together to make it happen!

Be a Cheerleader

If you are truly willing to enrich the bond between you and your partner, then become their emotional cheerleader. By cheering on your partner – no matter what – you are letting know that you support them in everything they do. When the rest of the world is raining on their parade, you can be the ray of sunshine that bursts through the clouds.

And Finally…

And finally, from the following list of 21 Ways to Show You Care About Your Lover, try the ones you believe will move your partner the most:

  1. Greet me with a kiss and hug in the morning before you get out of bed.
  2. Wash my back.
  3. Bring me a bottle of wine at the end of the day.
  4. Smile and say you’re glad to see me when you wake up.
  5. Ask me what CD I’d like to hear and put it on.
  6. Make fresh orange juice for me in the morning.
  7. Reach over and touch me when we’re driving.
  8. Tell me you love me.
  9. Call me a work, just for a half a minute to tell me you’re thinking about me.
  10. Make me feel welcome when I get turned on by you.
  11. Invite me to talk about my work, not the details but how I’m feeling about it.
  12. Just hold me when you see I’m down.
  13. Tell me how you feel about your work, I mean your feelings, not the details.
  14. If you’re going to stop at the store, ask me if there’s anything I want or need.
  15. Really look at me when I’m telling you something important.
  16. Look at me when I step out of the shower soaking wet.
  17. Tell me I’m nice to be around.
  18. Ask my opinion about things you write and let me know if my suggestions are useful.
  19. Tell me I look hot with just a few of my clothes on (and tell me which ones I should wear).
  20. Ask me what I’d like you to do to please me for a whole weekend.
  21. Tell me what you’d like me to do to please you when we can steal some time together.

Couples Therapy to Help You and Your Partner Communicate

Now that you know the importance of small details in improving your relationship, it’s time to implement them. If you and your partner feel that a couples counselor could help your relationship flourish by helping the two of you better communicate, don’t wait to find one. Marriage Couples Counseling in New York City is here to assist you and your significant other with any communication issues the two of you may be facing. Do not hesitate to reach out and seek our help. Call us today at 212-673-4618 for the help you need.

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  • NAP Details:

    Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching
    160 Bleecker Street, 9C East, New York, NY 10012
    (212) 673 4618
