André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

Ways to Improve Your Marriage

Happy couples are inspiring to see wherever they are or whatever walk of life they come from. When you see one of these blissful couples, you instinctively feel the happiness and contentment radiating from them. There are a few rules that these happy couples often live by that help them keep their romance alive and develop a stronger and richer understanding of each other over time.

Learning the Secrets to a Happy Marriage in Counseling

Marriage Counselors in NYC

Marriage counselors can offer expert advice on improving a marriage

Holding a realistic view of how a committed relationship will work and develop over time is critical to being happy. Many people think that infatuated stage will last much longer than it actually does, and that is why it is more important to have a firm, solid foundation to your relationship. Once you have an idea of what a committed relationship should be like realistically, you should make sure to spend time developing and working on the relationship. Just like with other areas of your life, a happy marriage depends on the amount of effort and time that both partners invest into it.

Other Secrets to a Happy Marriage

While it is important to make time for each other, you should also make time for yourself. Being an individual makes it necessary for you to find some alone time where you are pursuing your own interests or hobbies away from your partner. This time away will often draw you closer together and give you something to talk about later. In the same way, you should also give your partner the space to be himself or herself. When you try to change another person, they often resist and end up resenting you. If you give more to them in the way that they want, you will encourage them to do the same without forcing the situation.

Understanding Each Other and Communicating in Marriage Counseling

Learning better ways to communicate and seeking expert advice can help you choose the best way to approach situations and handle challenges as they arise with your partner.

A lack of communication and respect are often the culprits behind unhappy relationships, and with marriage counseling in New York City, you can both look deeply into your relationship to pinpoint areas that need improvement and express your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.

At Marriage and Couples Counseling in New York, our counselors can help you if you are currently struggling to connect with your partner or grow your bond. Learning better ways to communicate and seeking expert advice can help you choose the best way to approach situations and handle challenges as they arise with your partner.